It is the Mac equivalent of an ISO file that has been in use since Apple transitioned from the IMG format with Mac OS X. Thats because DMG is not native on Windows.
How to create Mac OS X bootable USB installation media. To create a bootable USB drive from a DMG file on Windows, you will need to have the right utility. Now that you have all the necessary ingredients, you’re ready to make a Mac OS X bootable USB using the DMG file of the operating system with the steps below. One high quality USB flash drive with 16GB of storage. Burn ISO images to SD Cards & USB Etcher is probably the easiet ISO image burning software we’ve come across in a very long time that allows you to Flash OS images to SD cards & USB drives. Conclusion: Burning ISO image files into USB Drives to create bootable disk is very simple to pull over if you can cautiously choose the suitable ISO image burning tool to accomplish the task, and so in respect of that TunesBro ISOGeeker is the most efficient tool of. The Burn Disc In: window will open and display the. Select the.dmg or.iso name in the left pane of the Disk Utility, then click Burn (top left). Step 2 Click on USB Device as media type you would like to use to create Windows 7 bootable USB drive. Select Windows 7 ISO file and click Open. Click on Browse button and go to the path where your windows iso file is located. The process will start and it will take some time to finish. Right next to ISO image field click the button It will prompt you to find and select your Debian ISO image. Right next to option Create a bootable disk using Select ISO image. Note: You can drag and drop multiple files to the Disk Utility. Step 1 Open this tool from your programs. Volume label you can input what you like.

The.dmg or.iso file name will display in the left pane of the Disk Utility. Open up Disk Utility and drag the DMG file into the left-hand sidebar.